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Fitness Memberships & Workouts


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Strong Vibrations

This is ourstrength-focused classthat targets the whole body with varied movements in every class. This class provides the stimulus of resistance training and compound exercises that promote lean muscle growth & fat-burning. You can expect to feel the results of a challenging high-intensity session in 25 minutes without the high impact, stress, and cortisol spike.The impulses in this class target fast-twitch muscle fibers.

Sculpt & Sweat

This class moves at amoderate to high tempo with a low-impact focus. It is designed to promote optimal movement patterns, core strength, and mobility while getting the heart pumping.The impulses in this class help to promote muscle-sculpting cardio with a higher ratio of slow-twitch muscle fibers.

Stretch & Flow

This mobility and recovery-based class with a variety of intro yoga, mobility, varied corrective movements, balance poses, and grounding work.The impulses in this class are like working out while getting a gentle massage that creates more mind-muscle connection and activation. Don't be intimidated if you are new to stretching. This is your gateway to mobility and relaxation. Expect to feel like you hit the reset button.

The human body is designed to function well with an abundance of natural sunlight, but with our modern lifestyles, most of us don’t get nearly enough.

Bask in the post-workout recovery benefits of OHM Red Light Therapy.

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